I represent my constituents on Rugby Borough Council, taking up their individual cases such as on housing, sorting out fly-tipping, crime and anti-social behaviour.
I engage with community groups and volunteers, and support their work, such as the Rugby Street Pastors, or the New Cross Fire survivors and victims’ families or a local young entrepreneur and leader of Rugby’s action sports community (stunt scootering). For example supporting the ‘jam’ that Brandon held for the vibrant stunt scooter community in rugby.
I take up causes within the council chamber and fight for Labour’s values on behalf of constituents and the wider borough. Here’s a selection of my speeches on YouTube:
- Calling for Citizens’ Jury as an innovative form of public engagement, in addition to other existing mechanisms, to bring the people’s priorities on infrastructure to the policy-making table
- Speaking at the government Planning Inquiry into the Brandon Stadium (speedway) on 22 September 2023, in which I advocated that the community’s interests should trump those of the developer
- Calling for action to stimulate the live music scene in Rugby (followed by a meeting with key stakeholders recently)
- Achieving a commitment from the Conservatives to limit the over-concentration of Houses in Multiple Occupation
- Securing a decision to reinstate the Private Sector Landlords’ Forum to improve housing standards
- Calling for a consultation with young people and to involve them more in policy-making
- Urging the council to fly the Gypsy, Roma and Travellers’ flag to encourage more understanding and combat discrimination
- Standing up for taxi drivers and challenging their treatment by the Conservative-led administration
- Calling for an innovation, business and entrepreneurship hub in Rugby town centre
- Challenging the Tories for trying to sound like the opposition on health issues despite being the government locally and nationally for over 13 years!
- Strongly opposing the Conservatives for seeking to limit the scope of councillors to ask questions and put motions before the council