How I will succeed as Rugby’s Labour candidate and MP

I have the skills and experience needed to win back the seat, and to be an effective MP for the whole community both Rugby town and the numerous villages large and small. I will be a confident advocate for local interests, committed to helping people in need.

  • I understand the local issues. As a Borough Councillor I see first-hand how Tory cuts to public services and council budgets have impacted the most vulnerable in society, whose interests I am determined to defend. I have been our spokesperson on housing, and am now our spokesperson on infrastructure and the Local Plan.


  • I understand and have experience of the role of an MP and national politics. I worked from 2003-6 for the brave,  campaigning Labour MP, my mentor the late Ann Clywd. So I know what an MP can do to raise the profile of Rugby, and to fight injustice. I understand the way the House of Commons operates and how to achieve things for constituents and engage with central government.


  • I understand and have experience of international politics. I’ve worked in strategic communications in the UK and around the world leading teams delivering communications including at events in partnership with UN organisations. I advised the moderate Syrian Opposition during UN-backed negotiations. In a personal capacity I have advised the former High Representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government and chaired a meeting in the House of Commons with the current High Representative. I visited Iraqi Kurdistan twice in 2013 with parliamentary delegations, visiting a refugee camp on the border with Syria and visiting Halabja for the 25th anniversary of Saddam Hussein’s Anfal campaign of genocide. I have written this and other foreign and domestic political matters. In 2009 I was selected by the State Department for a three week International Leadership Visitor Program in the USA focused on foreign policy.
  • I’m an effective public speaker, for example in the Council chamber, challenging the Conservatives, explaining a complicated policy issue or inspiring people about an important cause such as youth engagement, or housing. I’m a caring politician and work hard to take up the cases of my constituents and secure results for them.


  • I’m an energetic and confident campaigner. I enjoy knocking on doors talking to residents and engaging with them, whatever their political views. I’ve played a leading role in Rugby Labour’s recent council election campaigns, helping write  the literature, managing media and social media, and developing the strategy.


  • I have an innovative campaign strategy with a simple objective: to win this seat for Labour. The strategy will engage with the right audiences in the most compelling way. It will use the full range of campaign techniques to make sure that our positive vision for Rugby and the country is understood. It will aim to inspire both activists and supporters. Watch this space.


  • I try to be a good listener, and then I lead. I investigate issues through direct contact with the people concerned. I have accompanied the Community Wardens and Street Pastors on their shifts, attended numerous public events, and I organise community meetings with local police officers. I am also engaging with community activists such as the New Cross Fire campaigners and a young action sports community leader in my ward. I’ve set up organisations, led campaigns, led teams in difficult circumstances and have the leadership skills to bring the CLP together and lead a winning campaign.


  • I have the right approach for Rugby. At work and in politics, I get on with people no matter what their background, age, or status may be. My approach is to bring people together, to persuade and to include people in the solution. In this constituency the key priority will be to earn the trust of people who have previously voted Conservative. My Together We Can approach will be vital.


  • I get things done. As a Councillor, I’ve secured concessions from the Tory administration on Houses in Multiple Occupation, on the need for a new Landlords’ Forum, and on the need for the council to consult our young people. I sit on the 6-strong Town Centre Regeneration Working Group where I am promoting Labour’s ideas such as more social housing, an indoor skate park, an innovation and entrepreneurs hub and better music and cultural venues. I’m currently working with my colleague Cllr Rob Barnett to bring together stakeholders to boost the live music scene.

In all I do, my approach can be summarised as – Together We Can.