This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. If selected by the Labour Party and then elected to be Rugby’s MP by voters, I will be able to work effectively with a Labour-run Borough Council that is reversing decades of Tory neglect, and a Labour government at Westminster, which is committed to devolving power and responsibility to local councils. Together, we will be able to achieve so much more for Rugby.
My priorities are:
- A revitalised Rugby Town centre after years of Tory neglect, that serves the whole community and restores pride. I’m on the Council’s working group where I am pushing for Labour’s priorities like better facilities and transport links, a business and entrepreneurs’ hub to support the economy and generate jobs, unique ‘wow factor’ offerings that will attract residents and visitors, such as a new creative venue or an indoor skate park for young people, and high-quality residential and retail development that includes affordable and social housing.
- Better hospital and primary healthcare for Rugby. People are rightly concerned about Tory under-investment in the NHS and also that despite Rugby’s growth, some GP surgeries are 30% over capacity and we have less pharmacy capacity than 30 years ago. I recently met the CEO of the University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust and will campaign to strengthen their plans for more services at St Cross including urgent care, diagnostics and elective surgery. I’m exploring innovative ways to provide healthcare services nearer where people live, whether it’s hospital services on the high street, or more primary care through a ‘Super Health Hub’. I’ll call out the Tory parliamentary candidate for grandstanding about fighting for better healthcare despite his party having been in government for the last 13 years.
- Improved infrastructure for our growing town and across the constituency: Rugby has had some of the fastest population growth in the country, yet under the Conservatives investment in education, health, transport and community infrastructure has stagnated, affecting residents daily, whether in Rugby town or in the villages and rural communities in the constituency. All too often developers evade their responsibilities to invest in infrastructure. The Conservatives running the Council haven’t collected the Community Infrastructure Levy on new developments that they could have for a decade. I’ve proposed at the council a Citizens’ Jury to bring the people’s priorities to the table as we focus on investing in the infrastructure that people need.
- More social and affordable housing, not more building on the green belt. I support Labour’s renewed focus on building more social and affordable housing, which is Rugby’s housing priority, particularly so that our young people have better opportunities. I’ll oppose the Tories’ plan for a costly new Local Plan that opens up the green belt to developers despite the fact that Rugby has met its housebuilding targets and has ample supply. I’ll always work for more high-quality social and affordable homes.
- Bringing the community’s ideas to the table. As part of my Together We Can approach, I’ll be a candidate and MP who listens first and then leads. I’ll reach out to all the parts of the constituency, urban and rural, the town and the villages. I’ll engage with people from all backgrounds and ages. I’ll consult and meet the widest range of stakeholders from the public, private and voluntary spheres. At the Council, I’ve called for a specific consultation with our young people. Our challenges can only be solved through working together and encouraging new ideas, perspectives and energy.
- A sophisticated economic regeneration strategy that links our skills providers with local and regional businesses and universities to provide the well-paid, high-skilled jobs and opportunities, particularly for young people, so that more of our talented people and businesses make their futures here, with entrepreneurs and small enterprises utilising a new Innovation Hub in the town and businesses thriving.
- A more compassionate society with better public services that protect and support the vulnerable and provide a strong foundation for us all, that are brought under closer local democratic control, to ensure a stronger community that anticipates problems not merely reacts to them.
- Action on the cost of living crisis: backing Labour’s plans to reduce energy bills, working businesses and stakeholders to provide goods to people who need them through a Multibank as pioneered by Gordon Brown.
- A safer community with action to tackle anti-social behaviour and criminality more effectively thanks to better community liaison.
- A greener and cleaner environment for all to enjoy with more green spaces and better use of electric car charging, cycle paths and pedestrian routes.
- Listening to and engaging with young people through proper consultation and a Youth Forum, to bring their voices and ideas to the heart of decision-making and long-term planning for Rugby.