This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. If selected by Labour and if elected at the next election, I will be able to work effectively with what we hope will be a Labour-run Borough Council that will work to reverse decades of Tory neglect, and hopefully a Labour government at Westminster, which will be committed to devolving power and responsibility to local councils. Together, we will be able to achieve so much more for Rugby.
My priorities are:
- A sophisticated economic regeneration strategy that links our skills providers with local and regional businesses and universities to provide the well-paid, high-skilled jobs and opportunities, particularly for young people, so that more of our talented people and businesses make their futures here, with entrepreneurs and small enterprises utilising a new Innovation Hub in the town and businesses thriving.
- A revitalised town centre that’s culturally and economically vibrant and puts Rugby firmly on the West Midlands map where it belongs, with better public space, pedestrian and cycle routes, and where the right developers build assets that put the community first.
- Better infrastructure for our expanding community: the Conservatives have allowed housing developments without insisting on the GP surgeries, dentists, public transport and community facilities that people deserve. I will work to change this through better use of planning legislation and utilising the Community Investment Levy, Section 106 funds and grants to build better infrastructure.
- Improved healthcare services: I am discussing how to improve health provision in Rugby with council officers, healthcare leaders, and Labour politicians. I will work to secure expanded services at St Cross, as well as explore a Super Health Hub which brings health to the high street with integrated GP, dentistry and diagnostics. We need pragmatic but innovative solutions, not unrealistic campaign slogans from the Tories.
- A more compassionate society with better public services that protect and support the vulnerable and provide a strong foundation for us all, that are brought under closer local democratic control, to ensure a stronger community that anticipates problems not merely reacts to them.
- Action on the cost of living crisis: backing Labour’s plans to reduce energy bills, working businesses and stakeholders to provide goods to people who need them through a Multibank as pioneered by Gordon Brown and others.
- A safer community with action to tackle anti-social behaviour and criminality more effectively thanks to better community liaison such as the regular meetings I arrange in my ward with local police officers and Rugby Borough Council community wardens.
- A greener and cleaner environment for all to enjoy with more green spaces and better use of electric car charging, cycle paths and pedestrian routes. As a member of the Climate Emergency Working Group at the Council I am taking this agenda forward.
- Listening to and engaging with young people through proper consultation and a Youth Forum, to bring their voices and ideas to the heart of decision-making and long-term planning for Rugby.